
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Reading Reflection: Social Media Marketing Workbook Ch. 1

We are onto a new book! The Art of Social Media was great to identify key aspects for overall use of social media for organization but this workbook delves into the specifics of social media marketing!

Social media is like throwing a party! There are elements of invitations, entertainment and hosting that are involved in crafting your messages for your audiences.
  1. Invitations = Promotions
  2. Entertainment = Content
  3. Hosting = Ongoing Management
Social Media Marketing is an illusion. The concept seems effortless, easy and free. Social media is not this easy. When it comes to social media marketing the authors recommend users analyze what channels they like and what works and try to reverse engineer it. 

There is nothing as powerful as the power of positive thinking. New opportunities will come along to reach audiences.

That being said the author does out line five common goals for successful social media marketing.
  1. Electronic Word of Mouth
  2. Customer Continuum
  3. Trust Indicators
  4. One Touch to Many
  5. Promotion, promotion, promotion
Social media marketing is a cycle of putting out content, whether that's curated or creative and hoping that you receive positive feedback. Remembering the big picture is key. Knowing your messages and who you are speaking to regardless of what platform is important to your success. 

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