
Monday, February 27, 2017

Social Media of Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is an app that encourages users to get up on their feet and walk to catch characters from Pokémon on their mobile devices. While Pokémon Go is an app more for entertainment and being active, the app still encourages similar ideas that social media promotes.

Social media is all about getting people to interact together. Pokémon encourages people to get active which in turn creates a competition to see who can get the most Pokemon. It creates a sense of community within the users in the real world rather than online. According to USA Today, Pokémon Go has been downloaded over fifteen million times. That is a staggering number that could potentially connect a lot of people through their shared experience of catching  Pokémon. Pokémon Go is the medium for interaction in the real world for certain audiences.

A number of teachers are downloading Pokémon Go and playing so that they can connect with their students. They can talk about what level they are on, integrate achievements and catches with their lessons and connect with their students. Some families even all download the app so that when they spend time together they can catch Pokémon together on walks and vacations. Pokémon Go allows for connections just by a tool on a mobile device.

The main point of discussing this app is to remind that social media is ever changing. Social media is all about the interactivity between users on a platform or through a medium. In this case Pokémon Go allows for users to interact with each other in the real world using an app and shared experiences.

Consider trying out this app and challenging your friends! Gotta catch em' all.

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