
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Reading Reflection: Art of Social Media Ch. 9-10

This week's reading was all about how to use Twitter chat and to avoid looking clueless. Chapter 9 and 10 are very different ideas so I will be primarily focusing on chapter 10.

Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick start off with a great quote by Bertrand Russell.  "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are so full of doubts."  Whenever an individual is clueless usually that is due to some type of insecurity of knowledge or embarrassment. The best way to remedy the cluelessness is to learn how to not be.

Here are their general rules so you don't look clueless on social media!

  • Don't be an orifice
Take it from Thumper.  "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. "

  • Don't tell people what to share.
They can share what they want. People are more genuine and it makes you more credible when they want to share your content. 

  • Don't buy followers or likes. 
They aren't really following you. They aren't invested in what your messages are so you might as well not have them. 

  • Don't announce your unfollows or ask why people unfollowed you. 
You wouldn't want someone to announce that they didn't like you anymore and then proceed to explain why. Don't be that guy.  
  • Don't swear.
Stay classy. 
  • Don't be a pimp. 
While it's okay to promote yourself and what you are doing every once in a while, over promoting becomes annoying. People won't get the message because they will be purposely trying to ignore you. 

  • Don't call yourself an expert. 
Be modest online. Even if you know a lot about a subject, be humble. 

The whole point of these pieces of advice is for individuals or organizations to learn how to be the most credible with their audience. Most of the time they will be generating content to those who are intended, but the unintended are their potential new followers. Knowing your publics and how to be aware of everyone is key to being credible. Being credible will get you followers and make them stay. Being clueless only turns people away. Follow the above tips and consider who you are speaking to through your social media.

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